Sunday, August 23, 2020

Celiac Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Effects

Celiac Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Effects Prologue TO CELIAC DISEASE (definition, outline); Celiac sickness or celiac sprue is a typical ailment that happens in individuals stomach related framework. The individuals with this condition have antagonistic response to food containing gluten. Gluten is a sort of protein that usually can be found in three kinds of oats, for example, wheat, rye and grain. It additionally can be found in food, for example, bread, pasta and roll. On account of celiac sickness, the resistant arrangement of the body rewarded one of substances that make gluten, gliadin, as a danger to the body and contrarily respond to it. The resistant framework produces antibodies to battle the expected to be unsafe substance. This antibodies cause surface the digestive tract become aroused, disturbing the capacity of the body to ingest the supplement from the food lead to malnourished condition to individuals with the celiac sickness. In the event that this condition happened to newborn child or baby, it will make them neglected to flourish, in term of the weight a nd tallness. In more seasoned, the malnourished condition can prompt late sprouting. In United States, 1 in each 100 to 200 individuals has this condition[1], while in UK it influences 1 in each 100 people[2]. The number may be higher on the grounds that some milder cases may go undiscovered or misdiagnosed and rewarded as other infection. The sickness may influence to all individuals at any age. Ladies with celiac malady are a few times higher than men[3] from all the cases that were accounted for. The manifestations have high likelihood to create during youth †between 8 a year old and as a rule it takes a while before right analysis is made or in later adulthood †between ages of 40 to 60 years[4]. Because of unfriendly response to gluten, individuals with this condition ought to maintain a strategic distance from gluten in their eating routine. Cause There is no careful science what conditions that can build up the celiac malady. The two condition that most likely reason this is the hereditary and condition. The hazard is around 10% with family history[5], contrasted and 1% individual with no nearby relative that has this condition. In indistinguishable twin, the hazard can go up to 85% if the other twin has this condition.[6] Other factor that can cause celiac sickness is the ecological factor. Having past contamination in the stomach related framework or wrong eating routine when somebody was a youngsters have impact in creating celiac illness. Acquaint gluten with the eating regimen of under a quarter of a year old infant can expand the danger of creating celiac ailment. Specialists concur that guardians need to hold up until their child is a half year old or more seasoned to acquaint gluten with the infant diet. At the point when the child is acquainted with gluten, there is additionally high possibility that they despite everything create celiac infection on the off chance that they are not breastfeed. Some number of wellbeing conditions can likewise build the hazard to create celiac illness, for example, ulcerative colitis †aggravation of colon cause by some stomach related conditionâ€, type-1 diabetes and neurological issue, for example, epilepsy.[7] Indication Albeit celiac malady is difficult to be perceived, there are a few indications that may prompt celiac illness finding. At the point when an individual eat food containing gluten, a few conditions can be occurred: Heartburn Intermittent change in gut propensity, for example, loose bowels or stoppage Swelling and tooting Paleness, a condition where somebody need iron in blood and cause tiredness, windedness and an unpredictable heartbeat Stomach torment Loss of hunger Weight reduction Feeling tired constantly †as consequence of lack of healthy sustenance Youngsters not developing to anticipated rate. Shivering and numb in the hands and feet Regurgitating, generally occur on youngsters Male pattern baldness, generally occur on grown-up Note that the manifestations are regularly irregular, start and stop reciprocally and here and there seem random to the eating routine and stomach related indications. The manifestation in mellow case celiac illness now and again unnoticeable, and is identified during testing for another sickness. It is proposed that, despite the fact that it is a gentle condition, entanglement can in any case happen. The manifestations for serious celiac illness is equivalent to the standard indication, with the exception of in progressively extreme level, for example, stomach pack, muscle fit, the runs which frequently occur around evening time and growing in the hand, feet, arms and legs brought about by development of liquid or edema. The stools (defecation) can likewise contain significant levels of fat, which can make them oily, putrid and foamy. They additionally can make it difficult to flush the can. Significance OF READING ABOUT CELIAC DISEASE; The indications of celiac sickness in some cases are not obvious. The reason for the infection for kids can be hurtful and cause long haul harm. In the event that the infection is untreated, it can prompt malnourished in light of the fact that the body can't process the food in the correct manner. The body will feel tired and absence of vitality. Ailing health in youngsters will prompt inability to develop at anticipated rate, in term of tallness and weight and for more established kids; it can prompt postponed adolescence. As a result of the long haul and harming impact of celiac sickness, legitimate information on this condition should turn into a typical mindfulness. An untreated or undiscovered celiac sickness in an individual that despite everything eats gluten can cause progressively genuine impact. Eating a small measure of gluten can trigger the side effects of celiac sickness and increment the likelihood to create confusions, for example, osteoporosis, ailing health, lactose narrow mindedness and even malignant growth. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is where the bones become frail and weak. The bones need mineral and nutrient to make it keep solid. In light of the stomach related state of an individual with celiac ailment, the harmed digestion tracts keep it to retain supplement from the food that should have been given to the bones. Osteoporosis for the most part has no side effects, until somebody had an incidental fall or something comparative and wind up breaking a debilitated bones. Osteoporosis can be treated by expend enough nutrient D and calcium. Unhealthiness The harm in the digestive organs forestall is to retain enough supplement for the body. These lack of healthy sustenance conditions can makes the body can't work typically or recoup in case of contamination or injured. Serious hunger can cause weakness, bleary eyed and befuddled. The muscles become mull and it is exceptionally hard to keep the warm of the body. In kids, the lack of healthy sustenance can hamper the development and late turn of events. The ailing health can be treated by extra enhancement or eating enough calories in the eating routine. Lactose Intolerance Somebody with celiac infection has high chance to likewise create lactose prejudice, where the body isn't sufficient delivering compounds to process milk sugar (lactose) found in dairy items. Celiac sickness indications, for example, looseness of the bowels, swelling and stomach distress are brought about by lactose bigotry. Lactose narrow mindedness doesn't harm the body, but instead aim the above inconvenience, the gastrointestinal indications, in light of the fact that the body can't process the lactose appropriately. Lactose bigotry can be treated by not drinking or eating dairy item. Extra enhancement, for example, calcium may be required in light of the fact that dairy item is one of the principle wellsprings of calcium for the body. Malignant growth It is proposed in some examination that having celiac sickness can raise the likelihood to build up specific kind of malignant growth, including entrail disease and lymphoma, malignancy in the lymphatic framework, some portion of the insusceptible framework. In view of research, it is assessed that individuals with celiac sickness has multiple times higher chance to create gut disease than general population[8]. The most noteworthy hazard to create malignant growth is thought in the primary year after determination, and drop to ordinary after the gluten free eating regimen produce results. Regardless of whether somebody has celiac illness, it is essential to know to the side effect of inside malignant growth which incorporates unexplained weight reduction, blood in stools (excrement) and change in the ordinary entrail propensity enduring over about a month. Essentialness OF A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO CELIAC DISEASE The manifestation of celiac malady now and again unrecognizable or individuals imagine that it is the side effect to other illness. Adopt the correct strategy to discover the malady and how to respond to it appears to be important. The way to deal with celiac ailment can be partitioned into two classifications, the right conclusion and right treatment. Analysis Routine screening for celiac malady isn't prescribed except if somebody can possibly create them. On the off chance that somebody have manifestation that previously clarified above, at that point it is prescribed to test for celiac malady. Testing is likewise suggested in the event that somebody have the accompanying condition: Type 1 diabetes Bad tempered inside condition (IBS) Underactive or overactive thyroid organ Dermatitis herpetiformis, a skin condition that causes rankling In different conditions, testing is additionally suggested on the off chance that somebody has this condition: Addision infection, where certain organ in the body are assaulted by safe framework Down Syndrome, a strange physical and mental advancement that is brought about by hereditary condition Epilepsy Lymphoma, a sort of disease Bone sicknesses, for example, rickets, the conditioning and debilitating of the bone Diligent of unexplained blockage Rehashed unnatural birth cycles Sjogren’s Syndrome, a condition where the tear and salivation organ are assaulted by the resistant framework Turner Syndrome, barrenness and postponed development influencing a lady in light of a hereditary condition Unexplained fruitfulness The screening to analyze celiac illness includes two stages. The initial step is the blood test, to help distinguish the individuals who may have celiac sickness and afterward biopsy as the subsequent test to affirm that individuals have celiac ailment. In the blood test, the general expert will take test of the blood and afterward test it for antibodies that normally can be found in the circulation system of individuals with celiac ailment. Previously and during the test, the individuals that will be analyzed ought not stay away from gluten in their eating regimen as this can prompt erroneous test outcome. In the event that the test is certain, imply that

Friday, August 21, 2020

Free Essays on The Shawl

Rosa: The Portrait of a Jew in Ozick’s â€Å"The Shawl† Endless stories have been composed on the hardships of what the Jewish individuals experienced while being constrained into the inhumane imprisonments. The photos inferred are about starved and miserable individuals arranged for move call, beaten or even murdered on any guard’s smallest impulse. Ozick positively enlivens the hardships and tragedy that one family faces while strolling to and living in the Nazi death camp. Rosa, the edgy mother of two in Ozick’s â€Å"The Shawl,† is an exemplary case of an individual who has understood that all expectation is lost. Rosa is strolling to the inhumane imprisonment with Stella and has the newborn child Magda concealed away â€Å"[...]between sore breasts† (Ozick 675). She knows about what the gatekeepers would do to the youngster in the event that they ever discover that Rosa has her. Rosa with her â€Å"[...]bleak appearance, dim like cholera[...]† sneaks looks at child Magda, who has â€Å"[...]eyes blue as air, smooth plumes of hair almost as yellow as the Star sewn into Rosa’s coat† (676). She fantasies about giving Magda away, however she realizes that in the event that she left the line sufficiently long to push Magda into a spectator’s arms, the gatekeepers will shoot her. Additionally, she stresses that maybe the individual won't acknowledge Magda. â€Å"She may be astounded or apprehensive; she may drop the shawl, and Magda would drop out and strike her head and die† (676). With these two considerations holding her back, Rosa strolls on concealing infant Magda from the world, realizing that she will shroud the kid for an amazing remainder. When that Magda turns fifteen months old, she has figured out how to walk, just not well indeed. Her tummy â€Å"[...]was fat with air, full and round† (677). Rosa takes a gander at Stella and acknowledges precisely how merciless and unpleasant she has become. They were in a spot without feel sorry for, all pity was destroyed in Rosa, she taken a gander at Stella’s bones without feel sorry for. Sh... Free Essays on The Shawl Free Essays on The Shawl Rosa: The Portrait of a Jew in Ozick’s â€Å"The Shawl† Incalculable stories have been composed on the hardships of what the Jewish individuals experienced while being constrained into the death camps. The photos inferred are about starved and miserable individuals arranged for move call, beaten or even murdered on any guard’s scarcest impulse. Ozick positively enlivens the hardships and disaster that one family faces while strolling to and living in the Nazi inhumane imprisonment. Rosa, the urgent mother of two in Ozick’s â€Å"The Shawl,† is an exemplary case of an individual who has understood that all expectation is lost. Rosa is strolling to the inhumane imprisonment with Stella and has the newborn child Magda shrouded away â€Å"[...]between sore breasts† (Ozick 675). She knows about what the gatekeepers would do to the kid on the off chance that they ever discover that Rosa has her. Rosa with her â€Å"[...]bleak composition, dim like cholera[...]† sneaks looks at child Magda, who has â€Å"[...]eyes blue as air, smooth plumes of hair almost as yellow as the Star sewn into Rosa’s coat† (676). She fantasies about giving Magda away, yet she realizes that on the off chance that she left the line sufficiently long to push Magda into a spectator’s arms, the gatekeepers will shoot her. Likewise, she stresses that maybe the individual won't acknowledge Magda. â€Å"She may be astounded or apprehensive; she may drop the shawl, and Magda would drop out and strike her head and die† (676). With these two considerations holding her back, Rosa strolls on concealing infa nt Magda from the world, realizing that she will shroud the kid for an incredible remainder. When that Magda turns fifteen months old, she has figured out how to walk, just not well overall. Her tummy â€Å"[...]was fat with air, full and round† (677). Rosa takes a gander at Stella and acknowledges precisely how savage and severe she has become. They were in a spot without feel sorry for, all pity was obliterated in Rosa, she taken a gander at Stella’s bones without feel sorry for. Sh...

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Finding Examples of Research Papers on Evaporation

Finding Examples of Research Papers on EvaporationWhen you need to get examples of research papers on evaporation, you have a few options available to you. Of course, you can get samples of research papers on evaporation that were written by people who are qualified to write about evaporation themselves. In this case, you can be sure that the information you get will be factual, though it may be a little dry and not as up-to-date as what you would get from a top-notch paper.When you want to find examples of research papers on evaporation, however, you have no choice but to go with the experts. Unfortunately, the internet is full of fake experts claiming to be professionals when you try to find examples of research papers on evaporation. You need to avoid them entirely and instead rely on the real professionals out there.To start with, you want to look for the basics. Obviously, the best way to do this is to get some examples of research papers on evaporation written by real experts. So, how do you go about doing this? Well, you have to keep an eye out for professional references.Experts can come in the form of references. Typically, you will want to get one or two experts to help you find examples of research papers on evaporation that are well-written and are not just run-of-the-mill research papers. You might think that you are just trying to get an example of research papers on evaporation. But, you do not want to end up wasting your time with somebody who is just trying to make a name for himself out of something that was written by someone else.If you know someone who has been writing about evaporation for a long time, you may be able to get one or two more examples of research paperson evaporation written by real experts. After all, research papers on evaporation are written to be read. If you want to read something written by someone who has the credentials to do so, you will want to know that person is an expert.It is important to note that you will nee d more than one reference. You need at least three references to be sure that you are getting quality information. You want to know that you can trust this paper, and that it was written by someone who knows what he is talking about.Many of the writers of research papers on evaporation will use new concepts to help them present their information in a better way. However, they will generally still stick to the basics and understand the basics. For example, while there are good reasons to consider losing the trees in order to save on water, it is still true that the trees lose carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and therefore need to be replenished.This can be hard to understand, but you can read about it in some of the examples of research papers on evaporation that are found online. The bottom line is that you want to take the time to look for references that are quality and then choose those that you are comfortable with. In this way, you can be sure that you are getting only exa mples of research papers on evaporation that are written by the real experts.

Friday, July 31, 2020

How to Start an Essay About Yourself

<h1>How to Start an Essay About Yourself</h1><p>To have the option to compose a paper about yourself, you have to compose your own article! Here are a few hints on the most proficient method to compose a decent paper about yourself.</p><p></p><p>The first thing that you have to do is to choose what the topic of your article will be. You should return and take a gander at your exposition and ask yourself would could it be that you are attempting to get across in your article. It could be about your diversions, your inclinations, your vocation or perhaps your character traits.</p><p></p><p>Once you have settled on a subject, at that point you can start contemplating the most significant focuses that you need to make. This is the reason you need to return to your exposition again to ensure that you are getting the entirety of the focuses over that you need to make. One of the most significant focuses that you will need to make is that you have just made. This will imply that your article will be short and basic with the goal that it is simple for you to remember.</p><p></p><p>Next, you will need to set aside the effort to consider the subject of your paper. You have to recall that expositions are as a rule about things that you have done, and almost certainly, this subject you have picked will have some importance to the theme that you pick. This implies you will need to expound on something that you are energetic about.</p><p></p><p>Make sure that you generally utilize the correct words when you are composing your paper about yourself. Don't overthink the exposition, essentially ensure that it is clear to read.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you will need to look to somebody who has just composed a genuine case of an article about yourself. In the event that you don't know how to compose an exposition about yourself, at that point you s hould consider someone who has just composed an article about themselves. They might have the option to assist you with certain tips that you have to know so as to compose your own essay.</p><p></p><p>Writing an article about yourself is an extraordinary method to get yourself out of composing for the school paper. You will get the opportunity to concentrate on simply your own interests, and this will permit you to make a one of a kind essay.</p>

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Ethical Topics to Write an Argumentative Essay On

<h1>The Ethical Topics to Write an Argumentative Essay On</h1><p>When you read a paper or an exposition, it is imperative to comprehend the moral issues that encompass you. Since you don't have the foggiest idea what different understudies have composed on these moral issues, you should initially realize what moral issues you ought to compose a factious paper on. A portion of the themes to compose a contentious article on include:</p><p></p><p>First of all, you ought to distinguish the moral issues of the point. Do you compose a paper in the study hall or all alone? In the homeroom, you might need to utilize a schedule; in any case, it is conceivable that your educator won't give you one. So you have to either compose your own or discover a book that tends to the morals of the topic.</p><p></p><p>If you might want to compose a factious paper on moral issues for your own scholastic use, you can locate various sources to do as such. There are numerous moral writings accessible that examine these subjects. In any case, you will need to guarantee that the content is liberated from any bias.</p><p></p><p>For model, some moral writings might be composed by understudies and hence have sincere beliefs. These sentiments may not generally be shared by different understudies. Thusly, you will need to ensure that the content is composed by an unbiased gathering. In the event that you don't have a clue how to look for these moral writings, you ought to think about utilizing the Internet.</p><p></p><p>There are various locales online that can assist you with finding moral writings. You can search for a particular theme or search for progressively broad compositions. These destinations can furnish you with an assortment of choices that you can browse. The main disadvantage to utilizing this technique is that it can require some investment to discover the writings that address your topic.</p><p></p><p>While the way toward composing a contentious paper on moral points can be tedious, it is definitely justified even despite the exertion. You will be allowing understudies a chance to comprehend the morals of the topic before they come into the class. By making this chance, you will give understudies a significant instructive experience.</p><p></p><p>It is essential to recollect that when you start to compose a pugnacious article on moral themes, you should ensure that you are composing your paper in a consistent way. Never utilize inclination to impact your dynamic procedure. You ought to have a reasonable view on every subject to guarantee that you have composed a contentious paper that is totally objective. You will have the option to utilize your article as an additional apparatus in your introduction; nonetheless, don't utilize it as an additional wellspring of information.</p><p>&l t;/p><p>When you start to compose a pugnacious paper on moral themes, you will have the option to discover a few sources. Moreover, you will discover a variety of morals writings. By looking at both of these sources, you will have the option to pick the one that you accept will furnish you with the most adjusted perspectives. You will likewise have the option to locate a particular moral book that tends to the subject of ethics.</p>

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Six IELTS Essay Samples to Help You Score Points on Your IELTS Test

<h1>Six IELTS Essay Samples to Help You Score Points on Your IELTS Test</h1><p>There are different article tests and a great deal of them are generally new. A portion of the examples that are much progressively old are likewise the ones that I accept are the best regarding helping you get ready for the test. The one thing that I like about these IELTS articles tests is that they are in an arrangement where you can download and use without getting any additional data on the most proficient method to utilize it. This is something worth being thankful for in light of the fact that it shields the entirety of the data from being replicated onto your PC, which would make it harder to modify.</p><p></p><p>The first example on the rundown is a language model, which is something that is utilized frequently by IELTS practice tests. For this situation, the understudies will compose a short sentence in their local language and afterward use it as an inqu iry in the exposition they will compose. The test will concoct the right reaction being referred to shape. So in case you're a local English speaker, or possibly know a few essentials about it, you ought to have the option to compose the sentences, ensuring that it can answer the question.</p><p></p><p>The second IELTS article tests that you should investigate is one where the understudy will compose a passage on the earth and how it has changed in the course of the most recent couple of years. For this situation, the subject is an unnatural weather change. The inquiry that the understudy will be posed to answer will be on whether the earth is deteriorating because of an unnatural weather change. At the end of the day, does the earth change because of human movement or is it the consequence of characteristic events?</p><p></p><p>The third IELTS composing tests that you should investigate is one where the understudy will compose a paper that has a totally different subject from one that has recently been composed. For this situation, the theme will be the state of the earth. In the exposition, the author should respond to questions, for example, what the impact of an unnatural weather change will be on the earth, or what will befall nature in the future.</p><p></p><p>The fourth IELTS article tests that you should investigate is one where the understudy will compose a short portrayal of a terrifying blood and gore flick. The teacher will request that he depict a scene that he saw, with the objective of knowing whether the understudy has had any bad dreams in the wake of hearing the film. Assuming this is the case, the understudy will be relied upon to show proof of this in his IELTS exam.</p><p></p><p>The fifth IELTS paper tests that you should investigate is one where the understudy will compose an article on a superstar that was well known at once. You will at that point be asked to compose a short passage about for what valid reason the VIP is still as mainstream as he seems to be. With this one, it is significant that you take as much time as is needed and not surrender with regards to rehearsing your essay.</p><p></p><p>The 6th IELTS article tests that you should investigate is one where the understudy will be gotten some information about some repulsiveness stories that happened to the individuals that he knows. The teacher will request that the understudy compose an anecdote about what befell those individuals after the frightfulness stories were finished. At the end of the day, he will show the understudy that there are a wide range of ways that the understudies can respond to the inquiry the equivalent way.</p><p></p><p>These six IELTS exposition tests are everything that will be utilized to assist you with enhancing your IELTS test scores. They are additionally all acceptable subjects to consider for the sake of entertainment or for schoolwork, too. The main thing that you should recall is that you should accomplish some work to get ready for the exam.</p>

Monday, July 6, 2020

Woolf, Eliot, Modernism, and the Emerging Faith of Early Feminism versus Victorian Values The Role of the Feminine as a Subversive Site of Resistance - Literature Essay Samples

The works of T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf represent the eve of first-wave feminism, where traditional Victorian principles have been challenged by controversy in the Royal Family, the more assertive role that women played in the First World War and receiving the vote for women (although only for 30-year-old householders, or wives of householders). This meant that the challenge of sexuality, gender and the ‘biological’ and social status of women was in flux (i.e. the weaker, romantic and fairer sex was being replaced with stronger figures). The problem for women is that they had to show one face to society, whilst underneath the Victorian norms that still pervaded the early Twentieth Century, were being challenged. This is represented by Clarissa Dalloway in the mirror scenes, in Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. There is conflict with this development of the feminine in Eliot’s The Wasteland, which sees it as a move from glory of the genders in the Victorian era, to the sordidness of feminism and modernity. In both texts, there is psychological stress caused by the change, although in different ways. Therefore Mrs. Dalloway represents modernism’s challenge of the weak, feminine persona, perpetrated by Victorian beliefs and replaced it with a more rationale but subversive feminine persona, that formed the emerging faith of early feminism. Conversely, The Wasteland represents a challenge to this development, because it is replacing glory of Victorian England, with the sordidness of modernism. Clarissa in Mrs. Dalloway is expected to depict the perfect genteel woman, as required by her station in society. This means that Clarissa is depicted as â€Å"the model of some human virtue—strength of character, intuitive genius, affirmation of life, transcendence of patriarchal social arrangements, empathy with the dead, unifier of society† (Bell, page 94). This is her outward appearance, which means that an over simplistic reading of the text will not engage with the feminist undertones that Woolf has in the text (Bell, page 94). There are traditional masculine figures, which are not seen in Clarissa’s husband; rather, the characters of Walsh and Smith provide this juxtaposition. Richter (2010) identifies that Walsh and Smith â€Å"function as seismographs registering the advent of modernity; despite their relative†¦and catastrophic failure to come to terms with the contradictory social roles with which they are confronted, they, rather than the inflexi ble defenders of power, patriarchy, and empire, represent a viable although precarious embodiment of modern masculinity† (page 158). This means that the traditional patriarchal model of the Victorian gentleman is not represented in these figures. Rather, there is the modern masculine (i.e. there is an overt show of masculinity, but this hides the reality that the masculine is being challenged by the feminine, as power relations are changing) (Richter, page 158). In fact, the challenge of the masculine can be seen in the private thoughts of Clarissa (i.e. the Clarissa that is reflected in the mirror). Her husband can be seen as the traditional patriarchal character, which is seen in Clarissa’s introducing him as Wickham (Mrs. Dalloway, page 66). The traditional, handsome and masculine figure of Richard, that wants to keep and protect his wife, is seen in actions that are proper. This includes the giving of gifts, which is not done frequently; rather, when it is expected. As Woolf writes: â€Å"he never gave Clarissa presents except a bracelet two or three years ago, which had not been a success. She never wore it. It pained him to remember that she never wore it† (Mrs. Dalloway, page 124). The implication is that Richard buys her the appropriate and proper number of gifts to show Victorian reserved affection, but Clarissa does not return this act with proper appreciation (Mrs. Dalloway, page 124). This illustrates the tension of Clarissa’s character because she may seem proper outwardly to society. However, the personal interactions show that she is not receptive to the patriarchal expectations; rather, she wants to be free of the yoke and these expectations. The result of this relationship is that Richard feels like a failure because his show of proper patriarchal masculinity is being challenged by the improper reciprocation by Clarissa (Halberstam, page 364). This is because Clarissa’s actions can be viewed as more and more masculine in private relationships, which does peek through her interactions, more generally. The so-called masculine traits have given rise to comments that Clarissa is cold. The text states that: â€Å"there was always something cold in Clarissa, he thought. She had always, even as a girl, a sort of timidity, which in middle age becomes conventionality† (Mrs. Dalloway, page 36). The problem is that she does not engage with others as a woman should (i.e. Clarissa does not engage individuals with feminine charms; instead, she is reserved and measured in a manner that would be described as masculine). Nonetheless, these traits are identified as â€Å"timid†, â€Å"hard,† â€Å"arrogant† and â€Å"prudish† (Mrs. Dalloway, page 44). These words are negative because the personality of Clarissa does not fit with the face, that a woman is meant to show. In fact, there are more negative descriptions by the males in the book, which includes, â€Å"the death of the soul† (Mrs. Dalloway, page 44); â€Å"devilish†, â€Å"coldness† and â€Å"woodenness† (Mrs. Dalloway, page 45). These characteristics are strong and powerful because the individual is standing up against pressures (i.e. very masculine). The terms devilish and the cad are regarded as desirable qualities in men, by some because these terms can be seen as dashing masculinity (i.e. the Mr. Wickham of the book who would attract femininity and frivolity (Corwin, page 205). The problem is that these terms are applied to Clarissa who is meant to be Richard’s Lydia because he is the M. Wickham. Clarissa is not as flashy or dashing as Richard. More so, she is viewed as timid, as well as, â€Å"iron,† â€Å"flint,† and â€Å"rigid up to the backbone† (Mrs. Dalloway, page 48). These are qualities of the proper gentleman (i.e. the Mr. Darcy) because a sand-offish, rude and awkward character is part of this exemplification. However, when applied to a woman, it is a negative application, especially when the term states that Clarissa is â€Å"cold as an icicle† (Mrs. Dalloway, page 60). The so-called masculinity and dominant characteristics, which have been hidden by her reserve; begin to become increasingly apparent. This is especially so, when she is reflected in the mirror because she believes that her body is ridiculous (Mrs. Dalloway, page 27). The rationale for this application is that she is more pointed and in control, than the expected woman. When Clarissa looks in the mirror, she is faced with the tension of who she is (a dominant woman with more so-called masculine qualities). As the text identifies: â€Å"she pursed her lips when she looked in the glass. It was to give her face point. That was her self—pointed; dartlike; definite† (Mrs. Dalloway, page 27). Her counterpoint is Sally, who is described as â€Å"extraordinary beauty of the kind she most admired, dark, large-eyed, with that quality which, since she hadn’t got it herself, she always envied† (Mrs. Dalloway, page 24). There are two factors to be identified in this quote. The first is that Sally is the type of woman that is expected in society, which Clarissa should compensate with greater femininity because she does not have the feminine form. However, she acts with greater masculinity, which is further revealed in the mirror (Butler, page 9). Secondly, there is the subversion of identity, through the mirror because Clarissa identifies how she does not fit with the cultural concept of femininity; but a more powerful and modern woman is revealed (i.e. she is the dominant character, even if her husband does not like it) (Booth, page 113). The subversion of identity in Mrs. Dalloway is part of the feminist message because the principle that women and men exemplify c ertain characteristics, is flawed. The expected characteristics are not natural, but a product of society. This is the reason that the use of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice characters are used because there is an assumption that women are to play a certain role. The reality is that Clarissa is torn between these beliefs and the fact that she is dominant; the mirror allows her to reflect on this and lead to empowerment, in a subversive manner, that challenges the expected control of men (Booth, page 113). Although, the application of non-feminine terms is illustrative of society trying to control her and create a scapegoat, through her lack of good looks (and thus the lack of internal beauty) (Steinberg, page 25-26). Overall, Woolf sees the masculinity of Clarissa as a positive development because she challenges the social norms and the restricting of women to the beauty outside, reflecting the beauty within (unless compensated with heightened femininity (Steinberg, page 26). Therefore, there is a feminist message in Mrs. Dalloway that challenges traditional images of the Victorian woman, with a more powerful character that can hold her own in society (although conflicted at times due to traditional beliefs). In other words, the modern woman does not have to be tied down to her look and heightened femininity. Eliot in The Wasteland makes a juxtaposition between the glorious past and the sordid present, which indicate that the changes in society are not a positive development. In the poem, he states: â€Å"But at my back from time to time I hear The sound of horns and motors, which shall bring Sweeney to Mrs. Porter in the spring† (The Wasteland, lines 196-198). The action of bringing Sweeney to Mrs. Porter is an example of the traditional roles of men and women. Additionally, Mrs. Porter illustrates traditional femininity, as the poem states: â€Å"O the moon shone bright on Mrs. Porter And on her daughter They wash their feet in soda water† (The Wasteland, lines 199-201). This beautiful image is contrasted against the brutality and sordidness of modernity, which have changed the role of men and women. Eliot wants to recapture traditional values. However, as Booth identifies, in The Wasteland there is discussion of how greatness and power are being moved from an exclusively male realm, to include women (page 231). The problem is that Eliot does not view this as a positive development because there is the loss of a glorious past, where there are values and beauty. The sordidness that is described in The Wasteland is linked to the empowerment of women (and most notably their sexuality). As Eliot states: â€Å"She turns and looks a moment in the glass, Hardly aware of her departed lover; Her brain allows one half-formed thought to pass: â€Å"Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over† (The Wasteland, lines 249-252) This is a negative view of the woman who does not comply with the glory of marriage and is not swooning after her lover (i.e. she sees that encounters with her lover as a chore and not a celebration of love). This is an illustration of her empowerment because she is not emotional about the actions; rather, she is logical and links such actions with a duty to quickly relieve herself from. This is an example of sexual emancipation, which is a change in the genders. In fact, a description of men, with women’s breasts (The Wasteland, line 219) illustrates that there is a crossing over of gender, which is overt. There are elements of the subversive, such as the statement: â€Å"I do not know whether a man or a woman — But who is that on the other side of you?† (The Wasteland, lines 364-365). The implication is that the glory is being lost through the aligning of genders, through figures that represent both, which is illustrative of a subversive change. This change is not celebrated in The Wasteland, which is supported by the â€Å"Murmur of maternal lamentation† (line 367). Thus, the empowerment of women is a negative occurrence because it is contributing to the sordidness of modernity. The problem is that Eliot recognizes that it is not possible to return to this past, which is why there is a lament and not a struggle. The aligning of the male and female, is present in both Mrs. Dalloway and The Wasteland. The former sees it as a subversive action to positively empower women, although there are elements of tension between the new role of the male and female. The main truth is that there is a change in faith (i.e. Victorian beliefs to modernism that with it, changes the role of women). Nonetheless, Eliot sees this as a negative development, because there is loss of the feminine. Where Woolf sees the Victorian era as oppression for women; Eliot sees it as an overt loss of glory. The implication is that Eliot is challenging the feminist developments of modernity; whereas Woolf identifies that this movement is important, but can only be undertaken subversively, due to opposition from the faith of the Victorian elite. Both authors engage with gender and sexuality, which is centered from changes in identity for women. Therefore, the impact of this is a significant amount of stress of the psychology of th e genders, but the end result is positive for Woolf because it should result in empowerment; whereas it is sordidness for Eliot. Works Cited: Eliot, TS. The Waste Land (1922). Bartleby. Web. Accessed December 11, 2016 Woolf, V. Mrs. Dalloway (1925, 2nd ed. Vol. 1). Orlando: Harcourt, Brace, World Inc. 1953 Booth, A. â€Å"Greatness Engendered: George Eliot and Virginia Woolf.† Cornell University Press, 1992. Butler, J. â€Å"Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.† New York: Routledge, 1999. Steinberg, E.R. â€Å"Mrs. Dalloway and T.S. Eliot’s Personal Waste Land.† Journal of Modern Richter, V. â€Å"Women constructing men: Female novelists and their male characters, 1750-2000†. In Sarah S. G. Frantz and K. R. 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