Saturday, February 29, 2020

Criminal law undergraduate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Criminal law undergraduate - Essay Example Thus, if a doctor applies skill and care and functions in a style that is considered as an adequate practice, he would not be regarded functioning negligently despite a successful medical result cannot be assured. Where a doctor is found guilty of total negligence or has done a crime through malevolent intent to assault or harm a patient, this may end in a criminal prosecution. To face a criminal action by doctors is extremely a rare event for doctors in their professional capacity. If a doctor anticipated serious injury to the patient and done gross negligence by prolonging with the wrong medical procedures without the required consent or induced intentional harm, in such a scenario, a doctor will face a criminal prosecution. In Kent v Griffins 2000], an ambulance was called by a doctor to shift a person to a hospital who was suffering from asthma. The control room replied to the doctor in affirmative. However, there was a failure on the part of ambulance to arrive in a reasonable time and as a result, the person suffered a heart attack which could have averted if the ambulance arrived in time. Claimant was succeeded. In this case, the doctor was not directly responsible for the sufferings of a patient but due to late arrival of an ambulance. (The Thomas Hardye School 2010). In Barnett v Kensington Hospital 1969], three night watchmen went to a casualty hospital and complained severe vomiting and stomach pain after drinking tea in a shop . When the duty nurse contacted the duty doctor, he refused to come and suggested that they could visit their own doctors. One of the watchmen went to home and after few hours, he was dead due to arsenic poison. The claimant sued the doctor. The claim was not successful, mainly due to the fact that by the time the doctor was requested to check up the watchmen , the poison would have taken hold, and the watchmen’s fate was sealed

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Health Care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Health Care - Assignment Example This has been attributed by the increase in the number of generic drugs that cost far much less than the original drugs. Besides, the diagnostic costs through insurance schemes have proven to be more expensive in contrary to paying directly from the pocket (Hicks &Jacobs, 2014). Despite the presence of an oversight physicians as one of the healthcare regulatory authority in the United States healthcare management, it has been noted with great concern that not much is being done in trying to regulate or control the influx and dispensation of drugs to the citizens. The state government should implement regulations to eliminate license on physicians perceived to be indulged in the production of generic drugs. Besides, there are no prescribed policies governing the conduct of pharmaceutical malpractices and this has given room for best sales of generic drugs than branded drugs. Moreover, there are no enforceable contracts that give clarifications on the best possible measure necessary in curbing medical practices reforms (Hicks &Jacobs, 2014). ... From the research, possible sources are also pointing a shaft decrease in supply of FDA drugs through a consistent variation as from the year 1996 to 2010. Another observation made indicates that in every five drugs, only one would be found to be branded. This is because generic drugs are known to sell at cheaper price whereas the possible content is almost of the same quality or it may have very little difference. There is projection that, if this trend continues for the next few years then there would be a very deep decline from branded medicine to the stakeholders’ payers’ model (Prelovs?ek & Hajna, 2011). Due to the presence and the pricing cost of generic drugs, pharmaceutical industries would be far much affected in terms of future revenues leading to a decline in job markets and sales. Moreover, some pharmaceutical companies that are engaged in sale of branded medicines would find it very difficult to generate enough returns while sale representative would shift opportunities to dealing in generic drugs that would otherwise generate quick returns (Prelovs?ek & Hajna, 2011). Comparing the pricing of drugs in United States and Canada According to the U.S health care reforms report of 2012, it has been realized that the United State of charges very high prices on prescription drugs as compared to any other developed state in the world. Even though the manufacturing cost of medicines seems to be low in The United States, the escalating cost in pricing are attributed during the development process. Most of the pharmaceutical companies see this rising cost in pricing to have been characterized by a lot of money being spent in