Monday, December 30, 2019

Emotional Intelligence has Importance in Business Ethics...

Concept of emotional intelligence has an very important impact on managerial practice (Ashkanasy daus, 2002).emotional intelligence may reflect the idea that success is not only determined by abilities like verbal and quantitative abilities (while quantitative ability means interpret the meaning in numbers) but also by abilities that pertains emotions (Cote Miners, 2006). That’s means emotional intelligence has a lot of importance in business ethics. Although emotional intelligence is a ability to monitor one’s own and others’ emotions, and to discriminate among them and then use this information to guide the thinking and action of others in the organization. Emotional intelligence is emerged as an very interesting topic in†¦show more content†¦Emotional intelligence is an important consideration in HR planning, Customer relation, customer service and more. Employees who have high emotional intelligence and also have greater interpersonal skills stay longer in the industry because they have emotionally attachment with their organization and they have strong commitment with their organization. Employees with different abilities (e.g. Emotional intelligence) have different styles of learning some only have a need communicate while other employees have a need to do practice. For this purpose organization need a special training session for employees. HR department must be so efficient that it can easily understand the type of training that is appropriate for employees to fulfill the organizational needs. Emotional intelligence refers the mental ability that monitors one’s and other other’s actions and feelings so emotional intelligence need a training session for employees so they are capable of translating their emotions into their appropriate words and actions. That’s type of trainings really has a significant impact on job performance and job satisfaction. Objectives of the study: The rationale of this study is to analyze the impact of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction and impact of emotional intelligence on organizational commitment. To show either the emotional intelligence has a positive relationship with job satisfactionShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Emotional Intelligence On Leadership1134 Words   |  5 Pages Emotional Intelligence Displayed by Different Leaders As election time is quickly approaching, people often continue to question the nature of leadership. Many people tend to focus on multiple characteristics as attributing to the overall effectiveness of a leader. Previous research has gone on to suggest that leaders must employ emotional intelligence in order to be effective(in text citation). 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UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN AN ORGANISATION 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Definition of human behavior 1.3 The importance of understanding human behavior to an organization 1.4 The importance of understanding human behavior by leaders 1.5 Leadership self-evaluation/self-assessment 1.6 The benefits of self- assessment/self-evaluation to leaders today. 1.1 INTRODUCTION Organisations are made up of people and people are a huge asset to anyRead MoreSituational Leadership Style And Level Of Development1678 Words   |  7 Pagesfor them to perform their tasks in an efficient and effective way, in other words have the ability to motivate them and enhance their development level. Development level 1 A new enthusiastic employee starting in a new position, he has high motivation, willing, but has low skills and unexperienced. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

bentley Essay - 1168 Words

International market segmentation is the dividing of market into segments, this allow marketers to effectively determine whether business can thrive in a particular area. Segmentation is based on four factor namely geographical, psychographic, demographic and lastly behavioral segmentation. Geographical segmentation refers to grouping markets geographically such as nations, states or cities. Psychographic segmentation is the dividing of buyers into groups based on lifestyle or social class/status. Demographic segmentation uses factors like age, gender, occupation and etc to separate markets into groups. Last but not least, behavioral segmentation, this kind of segmentation divides buyer into groups by their knowledge about particular†¦show more content†¦Bentley uses different kinds of market segmentation to segment their international market. By using variables like nation’s economic development and gross domestic product, markets like United States, UK and Europe ar e recognized and had been Bentley’s traditional market. Those markets gave Bentley a lot of sales especially during the economic boom in the 80s. As sales slowly declined in the 90s, Bentley had a hard time keeping up. That leads to a major investment in facility, new product development and brand repositioning. As sales drop again in 2008, Bentley began to realize that their use of variables for market segmentation like age, education, gender and etc is not how the market behave, with the increasing buying power of the rich from BRIC. This force them to segment market based on number of sales in that market and not based on developed or developing nations like they used to. This results in targeting market that are growing, despite those market have low per capita income, but the buying power of consumers in those market is the greatest. Young consumers in economically growing nations are being targeted. As they are young and less educated, they would like to possess branded things as a sign of their social class and since Bentley is a strong brand which comes along with luxury design and innovative technology, there is no doubtShow MoreRelatedMarketing Plan of Bentley Motors Limited Essay1492 Words   |  6 PagesMarketing Plan of Bentley Motors Limited 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Description Bentley Motors Limited is a British Manufacturer of automobiles, founded on the 18th of January 1919 by Walter Own Bentley. In the First World War, Bentley was known because of their rotary aero-engines. After the war Bentley designed and produced cars that won the Le Mans race in 1924, 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930. Bentley presented Queen Elizabeth II with an official State Limousine to celebrateRead MorePeter Medaks Gain of the Viewers Sympathy for Derek Bentley in the Film Let Him Have It1454 Words   |  6 PagesPeter Medaks Gain of the Viewers Sympathy for Derek Bentley in the Film Let Him Have It The film Let Him Have it is a powerful social drama based on a true story. The films Director, Peter Medak, made this film in 1991 because he thought the judicial hanging of Derek Bentley in 1953 was a grave miscarriage of justice. Peter Medak, like many film directors, used his bias to show his sympathy to the viewers, probably in the hope that the he could pass his sympathy onRead MoreChapter 73691 Words   |  15 PagesCompany Case: Bentley Motors: Differentiation and Positioning in International Market The mission of Bentley Motors, the definitive British luxury car company, to produce best cars in their class, has remained unchanged since it was expressed eloquently by its founder Walter Owen Bentley in London in 1919. Located in Crewe, England, since 1946 and owned since 1998 by Volkswagen AG, Bentley Motors is an international company developing and crafting one of the world’s most desirable luxury carsRead MoreCase Study : Bentley Customs Pottery3607 Words   |  15 Pages ECF5220 CASE STUDY REPORT Bentley Customs Ceramics Semester 2, 2014 Written by: Abdur Rehman Butt (10289817) Submission Date: 23/09/2014 Submit To: TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 SOLUTION TO QUESTION ONE 2 SOLUTION TO QUESTION TWO 8 SOLUTION TO QUESTION THREE 9 SOLUTION TO QUESTION FOUR 9 SOLUTION TO QUESTION FIVE 11 SOLUTION TO QUESTION SIX 13 SOLUTION TO QUESTION SEVEN 18 CONCLUSION............................................................................................Read MoreEmotional Analysis Of Hall Of Fame By Dierks Bentley736 Words   |  3 Pages â€Å"Hall of Fame† by Script and â€Å"Home† by Dierks Bentley are two inspirational songs that will be focusing on two main points, courage and the strength to succeed in life. People around the world listen to music to relax and calm their minds, inspire their lives everyday, and give them hope. Music can change the way people feel and think emotionally about a friend or a family member. American’s and everyone around the world are not focusing on the big picture, they are too worried about how peopleRead MoreThe Audiences Response to Let him have it! and The Daily Mail in Peter Medaks Film1865 Words   |  8 Pageshave it!’ and ‘The Daily Mail’ article of November 1952? Do they both show bias? In November 1952 a policeman was shot dead and another left wounded in what the Daily Mail called a ‘gun battle’ when Christopher Craig and Derek Bentley broke into the Barlow and Parker warehouse in Croydon. I have looked at two media sources of information regarding this event. A newspaper article taken from the Daily Mail 3rd November 1952 and Peter Medak’s film ‘Let him have it!’Read MoreBusiness Management : Bentley s Corner Barkery896 Words   |  4 Pages 1. 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Medak might have wanted to prove that the justice system makes mistake and sometimes those mistakes cannot be fixed, like the mistake or the Derek Bentley (Bentley) and Christopher Craig (Craig) case, where someone was hanged for a miss interpretation of evidence. Film directors like MedakRead MoreAnalysis Of David Bentley Hart s Christ s Rabble And The First Christians Were Not Like Us `` Essay1462 Words   |  6 PagesIn his recent article for the October 7th issue of Commonweal magazine, David Bentley Hart highlighted how different the Christians of the New Testament are from modern day Christians. Hart’s article, titled â€Å"Christ’s Rabble; The first Christians were not like us†, argues that the first Christians were so different than present day Christians that we would have a very hard time getting along with one another if we meet today. Hart, a fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Studies, came toRead More Perspective In As For Me And M Essay1388 Words   |  6 PagesPhilip Bentley nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In order to fully understand a piece of literature and authorial intent, the reader must utilize unconventional methods of perspective. In Sinclair Ross?f, As for me and my House, the use of perspective becomes climacteric in determining a veridical comprehension of the imaginative center of the novel, Philip Bentley. In order to gain the full understanding of Philip Bentley, the reader must dismiss the biased unreliable narrative of Mrs. Bentley. With

Saturday, December 14, 2019

New Faces for Mars Free Essays

Mars often referred to as the Red Planet, has long been a subject of fascination; speculation about the existence of â€Å"Martians† was widespread early in the twentieth century; for example, issues of Scientific American in 1920 described possible communication with Mars using search lights and giant mirrors to reflect sunlight (Greeley 115). According to Greeley (2001), other proposals for communicating including digging huge trenches in the form of mathematical symbols in the Sahara Desert; these trenches were to be filled with kerosene and signal aflame to signal Mars. Based on Greeley (2001), although these ideas were never carried out, they reflected intense public interest in Mars. We will write a custom essay sample on New Faces for Mars or any similar topic only for you Order Now Telescopic observations of Mars began in the late nineteenth century and provided fuel for speculation about the nature of Mars. Space exploration of mars was initiated with the Mariner flyby in 1965; although it took only 22 close-up pictures covering a tiny fraction of the surface and showed the presence of a lunar like craters (Greeley 115). According to Greeley (2001), the geologic diversity of Mars was finally revealed by the Mariner 9 spacecraft. The Viking mission was the most complicated unmanned mission flown in the solar system according to Greeley; consisting of two orbiters and two landers. And in 1997, Mars Pathfinder landed and returned information for a third site on Mars; these missions have set the stage for more complex future missions including the return of samples to earth. It has been discovered before that more craters are older with some around 19 km across. Volcanism is also fascinating on Mars, which is said to have lava flowing but I’m not sure if this was really true. It is also said that the Red Planet has no plate tectonics and its outer layer doesn’t move horizontally, only its outer layer moves vertically. As for Mars’ other features, it is said that weathering and erosion are observed with dominated dust storms – global dust storms and sand dunes. It has also been said that there has been past flowing water before but this argument hasn’t been verified yet. As for the aliens wearing helmet, I doubt it because as of now there hasn’t been any findings of its existence. Maybe this might be true if water will be discovered in Mars. Due to advance research and technologies, I think that as time passes by, more and more findings could be discovered. If before, images are vague and cannot be distinguished easily, today, more and more sophisticated tools are being used to capture Mars’ images. Now, Mars’ tectonic features are more detailed compared before. It has also been found out that Mar’s volcanism is widespread and more diverse and young. Despite a virtual generation of studies based on newly devised technologies of space, Mars remains something of an enigma to man; fly-by, orbiting and landing missions by increasingly sophisticated space probes have revealed more about the Red planet in the last thirty years that had been gleaned in all previous centuries, but there are still many mysteries to be solved (Kargel ix). According to Kargel (2004), they range from the question of where Phobos and Deimos, the diminutive Martian Satellites, came from whereabouts of water which once sculptured much of the planet’s surface; these many more questions will only be answered after years, perhaps decades, of effort; and because the planet and its satellites preserve much of the ancient history of the solar system, they are important questions of science. Works Cited Kargel, J. S. Mars: A Warmer, Wetter Planet. New York: Springer Publishing 2004. Greeley, R. Batson, R. The Compact NASA Atlas of the Solar System. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. How to cite New Faces for Mars, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Essay on Manifest Destiny Essay Example For Students

Essay on Manifest Destiny Essay Essay on Manifest Destiny The term Manifest Destiny which was first used by journalist John OSullivan formed much of the foreign and domestic policy in the mid-nineteenth century. American politicians who were eager for the expansion of the U.S. as well as acquiring votes themselves were set on accumulating more land for America. Although the North, the South, and the West, all had different motives and different property in mind, they were unified in the quest for more land. In the 1840s the South was direly afraid of losing a balance in the Senate. They had already lost a balance in the House and feared that with the addition of any new states as free the North would permanently have the majority. They sought land in Caribbean islands namely Cuba to equalize the balance in the Senate. They went so far in fact, they almost began to invade Cuba without even informing the rest of the Country. The North on the contrary, had the upper hand and wanted to turn the remaining territories into free states. The West on the other hand wanted land for its own sake. This led to a domestic policy in which all three sections (North, South, West) fought for themselves, and the party in power did all they could in order to stay in power. The goal of Manifest Destiny at the moment was to acquire California. This was probably the most sought after piece of land in U.S. history and proved to be a unifying factor among Americans. Gaining California woul! d spread America from coast to coast, allow them to be a major force in the Pacific as well as Atlantic ocean, and permit them to trade with the beloved Orient more easily. The only thing that stood in their way was their neighboring country Mexico. In the mid-nineteenth century, the United States had no true allies. The majority of the powerful countries such as England, France, and Spain were angry at them for taking land from them. Britain obtained a paltry bit of revenge however by getting 5,000 miles of allegedly U.S. soil in northern Maine. Britain was also interested in an independent Texas, as that would prove to be a barrier in the U.S. expansion southward. This as well as many other factors caused America to formally invited to become the 28th state in the United States. It took nine long years however, before Texas officially became a state. Oregon on the other hand was a territory that could be acquired now. The British and the U.S. had strong claims to Oregon. Both could claim settlement and exploration. To avoid war, the to sides eventually decided to divide the expansive territory at the 49th parallel. This was how many of the trivial land arguments went during the 1840s. This was primaril! y because America was preoccupied with the whole Mexico situation and did not want war during a time where it was not economically advisable. Although this seemed to be a breach in the entire Manifest Destiny idea, America was only looking at the big picture which it rarely did. If they got into a skirmish with a country such as Britain, that would use valuable assets and resources that could be needed for combat with Mexico for beloved California. In 1845, the U.S. offered to buy Mexico and the land to the East for 25 million dollars. Mexico, who was irritated with the U.S. would not even listen to John Slidell, the American envoy. Polk was enraged and wanted to declare war on Mexico. Fatefully, on that night Mexican troops attacked General Taylors command and killed sixteen Americans. After a brief war which Polk may have provoked, the U. .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d , .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d .postImageUrl , .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d , .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d:hover , .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d:visited , .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d:active { border:0!important; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d:active , .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u90507c12c14929e6860d89f583ff281d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Things They Carried Persuasive EssayS. won and acquired California and Mexico. In the end, the United States expended only 18 million dollars and lost a trifle 30,000 soldiers in the effortless war. This was 7 million less than they had offered to pay Mexico to begin with! Although the United States cou! ld have conceivably seized Mexico as well, they elected not to. The Senate approved signing the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which officially ended the war. The Senate decided that Mexico would have been a burdensome and expensive piece of .